You know I'm a very simple girl, raised in the deep forests. I've learnt to enjoy the fresh air and the calmness and the nothingness in my town. I've come to peace there. In Madrid I was always going somewhere, and I had this constant restlessness creeping in my body. But going back this time, it also got me thinking that dinner with friends, a little champagne and "jiji jaja" (laughter) from time to time doesn't automatically mean you are a shallow person. The only thing is that I don't want to get stuck in it or let it take to much of my attention because I want to build something too. In ten years I want to feel proud of what I've accomplished, or at least proud of the fact that I put effort into what I've believed in.
So my philosophy is to work hard and be disciplined on a day-to-day basis regarding work and painting. And then I'll take mini-pauses to charge my batteries, enjoy friends and make place for new adventures. By coincidence this afternoon became like an small reunion with people from Ibiza and we started to make plans for the summer. It will be a treat after half a year of hard work and we had such a blast last time that I can't wait to go back <3
So my philosophy is to work hard and be disciplined on a day-to-day basis regarding work and painting. And then I'll take mini-pauses to charge my batteries, enjoy friends and make place for new adventures. By coincidence this afternoon became like an small reunion with people from Ibiza and we started to make plans for the summer. It will be a treat after half a year of hard work and we had such a blast last time that I can't wait to go back <3
(Ten con Ten, Madrid)