This is how it might look like when I work on an oil on paper. First I have some sort of inspiration. This is the hand of Stenen, who runs the gallery and art store Konstgruvan in Karlstad. I asked if I could take a photo of him while holding this ice cream. We tried different angles and then I chose to use this photo as my source of inspiration.
I prefer to have a photo to look at, otherwise the angles might get completely wrong. This doesn't mean that I copy the photo a 100%. Not even when I paint my realistic oils on canvas. Sometimes I make up things, backgrounds etc, or I combine different elements from different photos.
Even if I used the photo above as a reference, the hand doesn't look the same, I removed the napkin and the ice cream is completely different (shape, color, texture). I added a little bit of artistic freedom so to say.
I like working with different textures. The ice cream has got a thick layer of paint and I didn't blend the colors too much. The cone has more of a wet-in-wet texture, and for the hand I've used short brush strokes. Now it just has to dry!